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Product Manager

Grab Vietnam
Updated: 07/12/2018

Employment Information

Job requirement

a. Develop strategic planning for product
-Contribute to product roadmap
-Track, analyze, and communicate industry trends and impact
-Set priorities for product development
-Develop product metrics

b. Manage the entire product line life cycle from ideation to tactical activities
-Lead the ideation of new features / products and validate hypotheses
-Conduct user and market research, including visits to customers, usability studies, customer surveys, benchmarking of other products
-Support and approve UX design for product
-Write product requirement documents
-Kick-off feature development with the engineering and other internal teams
-Oversee development progress and communicate it to related stakeholders
-Test product before launch
-Involve vendors/merchants in development / testing as required

c. Develop & execute go-to-market strategy:
-Coordinate with internal teams—marketing, sales, customer service, risk, etc.—as well as external vendors/merchants for launch
-Co-create go-to-market campaigns for product launch with marketing team

d. Oversee product’s operations:
-Troubleshoot day-to-day problems
-Identify and act upon fraud related to product
-Monitor product metrics

Company Overview

Grab Vietnam

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