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NodeJS Developer

Updated: 29/11/2018

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GEEK Up is the home of passionate geeks, where we build tech products for partners and change-makers around the world from startups aiming to disrupts markets to enterprises going through a digital transformation. We place heavy emphasize on building GEEK Up into a unique launch pad where local talents meet the global standard, together they can build the products that win HEARTS, MINDS, and MARKETS.

We embrace transparency, kindness, willingness, and never stop improving ourselves at GEEK Up. At GEEK Up you will have endless chances to learn and grow fast in both mindset and skill-set. Your voice will be heard as we value transparent communication, constantly retrospecting to member’s work, and recognizing everyone’s contribution.

GEEK Up is the land of the geeks with these core traits: #Honesty #HighStandard, #GeeksGetItDone #StayHungryStayFoolish.

This is the adventure for you if you believe that these values would be the key to unlock your full potentials! Find more about us at:


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