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(HCM) Front-end Engineer (AngularJS, ReactJS)

Updated: 13/07/2018

Employment Information

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Your Impact

Are you enticed by the challenge of building a dynamic evidence management experience in the cloud? Are you excited by the promise of Machine Learning? Do you have a keen design sense and talent for information-rich user experiences?

We are looking for front-end engineers to bring this vision to light. Your contributions will enable police agencies to make use of the volumes of digital information in the Axon ecosystem.

You love to develop new experiences such as multi-camera playback, and map and geospatial information displays, or flexible, customizable user experiences

You desire to learn about web video such as WebRTC, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, or HTTP live streaming

You want to work with customers and design to integrate user research into your product

Own significant areas of our product UX

Our teams work in an agile environment - with the latest processes and technology. Our squad model gives your team full autonomy to solve business problems as it sees fit. We often deliver software improvements worldwide every day.

Company Overview


(HCM) Front-end Engineer (AngularJS, ReactJS)